Living My Best Life
choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? I would have Dr. James P. Comer as a dinner guest Dr. James P. Comer is a professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine and a co-founder of the Black Psychiatrists of America. The work he has done to improve the academic performance of children makes me venerate him. I am interested in psychiatry, and the education reform he has done has benefited society. At dinner, I would ask him about the Comer Method, and what his life as a child psychiatrist has been like, and I would recount the stories about my volunteer experiences. Would you like to be famous? In what way? No, I would not like to be famous because it can get odious with everyone knowing your every move and paparazzi taking pictures of you. I do not want to turn into the next overnight TikTok sensation or get my Instagram followers to one million. I want to be known for the work I have done in my field to help society. Being kn...