Living My Best Life


  1. choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? I would have Dr. James P. Comer as a dinner guest Dr. James P. Comer is a professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine and a co-founder of the Black Psychiatrists of America. The work he has done to improve the academic performance of children makes me venerate him. I am interested in psychiatry, and the education reform he has done has benefited society. At dinner, I would ask him about the Comer Method, and what his life as a child psychiatrist has been like, and I would recount the stories about my volunteer experiences.

  1. Would you like to be famous? In what way? No, I would not like to be famous because it can get odious with everyone knowing your every move and paparazzi taking pictures of you. I do not want to turn into the next overnight TikTok sensation or get my Instagram followers to one million. I want to be known for the work I have done in my field to help society. Being known for the work you have accomplished is a big deal, and people can branch of my work find a discovery. I want to be an influencer in a field because it gives me the power and a platform to share knowledge and expertise on a topic that is important to me and my audience. 

  1. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you? A perfect day for me is getting to sleep in, having a lab day in Earth Science, doing something fun in AP European History, playing Korean Folk Rhapsody in band class, getting class time to work on assignments for English, and getting out of school parking lot before 3:15 PM. On school days, I get up at five if I need to complete homework due that day. I end up doing this for most of the weekdays, but when I do not, I get up at seven in the morning. Seven is still early; It is better than waking up at five. After I wake up, I get ready for school and head out the door to school.

The first block I have is either Earth Science or Physical Education. The day would be perfect if I had lab day in Earth Science. The lecture part of science is fun, but I like doing the experiment part of science. AP European History is a very lecture-based class. There are some days when we get to do a fun activity to learn about the material for that day. When we do this, I grasp the material better.

I switched from the clarinet to the bass clarinet this year. I am used to getting the melody in songs, but now I am the bass voice. Korean Folk Rhapsody is a song that has upbeat then low beat parts, making it cryptic. I play half notes coming down from a regular A. I favor this part because it highlights the bass clarinet. The amount of work I do in English class leaves me to focus on my blog posts, reading, and other assignments. My dad picks me up from school, and I hate when we have to stay in line in the school parking because of how many cars there are. On the days we don’t have to do this, I can get home earlier to start my late afternoon routine. 

  1. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why? No, I do not rehearse what I say because the person would hear it in my voice. When I rehearse for making a video for school, I have this sound with my voice that makes me sound like I am reading off something. My Spanish teacher once pointed this out to me, and ever since, I started to practice saying things less rehearsed. Also, the phone calls I make are usually trivial and terse because they tend to be to my parents or siblings, so there would be no need to rehearse what I am going to say. If it was an over-the-phone interview, I might rehearse because that is important.

  1. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else? The last time I sang to myself was last night when I was doing my math homework. I have a homework playlist for when I do homework that works with music. This playlist consists of songs that are my favorite, so you’ll hear me singing or humming. The last time I sang to someone else was in seventh grade during a band and chorus concert. I am not the type of person to sing to someone else without having to do so. My parents thought I did a good job singing, but I still consider myself a terrible singer. My time in the chorus was ephemeral, and I stuck to being in band class. 

  1. For what in your life do you feel most grateful? I am most grateful for my parents because of all the things they have done for me. I know most people say this; They should be saying this because their parents gave birth to them. My mom and dad are giving me a better childhood than they had. My parents have moved me to a better neighborhood where I could get a good education. Without moving to Guilderland, I would not be the person I am today. Both my mother and father have worked long hours to provide me with things I need and want. My parents have shaped my character and taught me how to stand up for myself. I will forever be grateful for them. 

  1. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? It would be to get the quality of willpower. I do not want to procrastinate, and I want to stay focused on my goals and be consistent in my efforts. I have a surfeit of school work that I push off to do last minute. I have been working on not procrastinating, but waking up having this quality would change my life. My life would be easier. I would have time for other things instead of catching up on the work that I pushed off until the last minute to do. Because I will not be focusing on short-term temptations, I can achieve my long-term goals.

  1. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know? I want to know what my life is like after high school. I only have two more years of high school left, and then I’ll be off to college. Right now, everything is mundane because there are routines, and I know what will happen. I don’t know where I’ll go to college, where I’ll live, or who I will be after high school. Once I graduate, everything changes, and I’ll be going onto a new path in life. I’m excited, scared, and ready to start an experience out of high school. If only I had a magical crystal ball to tell me what life looks like for me after two years. 

  1. What is your most treasured memory? My most treasured memory would have to be visiting my grandmother when she worked at the City Mission of Schenectady- Wallace M Campbell Dining Center. My grandma used to make and prepare the food for all of the people who came to eat there. She always wanted us to come to visit her there so we could taste her food. I loved eating her food and playing around the mission as a kid. My grandma, Xena, passed away when I was in fourth grade. She wanted to help everyone. Xena was a convivial person who made everyone feel like they had a place. I started volunteering at soup kitchens in sixth grade to help others as she did. 

  1. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why? This one item would be the Chromebook that I got in sixth grade. This Chromebook was the first electronic device I got from my parents. This Chrome has been through a lot- getting water inside it to the screen getting damaged. There was a time when I couldn’t use it anymore because the charger had a shortage, and there wasn’t any place to find another replica of it, which was obscure. A couple of years later, I found a Chromebook charger that would work for the one I have. I would go back for this item safely in a fire because I use it for virtual volunteering, important meeting, completing schoolwork, and reading. This item is close and personal to me, so why wouldn’t I want to go back to it? 



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