

  1. I open emails from colleges. Checking my email is a habit I do 24/7. There was an option to sign up to receive emails from colleges on CollegeBoard, which was a good and bad idea. I found out about colleges that interest me, but some colleges annoyingly spam me with emails. I open every piece of mail in my inbox, so my inbox does not have thousands of emails. These colleges want you to be interested in them, so they add links and articles that will send you to their website. I click on the links and spend time exploring their academics section. While doing this, I am focusing on the future when I should be worried about events, assignments, tests, and activities in the present. 

  1. I listen to music. Occasionally listening to music helps me finish my schoolwork and tasks. Most of the time, I distract myself and lose track of time while listening. Music that I have on repeat over and over makes me lip-sync. I skip some songs that I don't want to hear, which wastes time because I spend all of my time pressing the skip button on the songs in that playlist. Doing all this takes up time and causes me to wait last minute to work. Songs that do not have lyrics will not make me sing, and I could get things done beforehand. 

  1. I make to-do lists. I like to think that I am an organized person, especially in school. I received a planner in elementary school and the first year of middle school; I stopped receiving planners when I entered seventh grade because they were obsolete. I had to make an organizational system that would help me remember homework and test/quiz dates. On the Notes app, I began making to-do lists. This system is both beneficial and distracting. I am constantly adding homework for each class to my to-do list. I try to keep the list aesthetic. Every to-do list I make is perfect because of how much time I spend on it. I devote all of my energy to a list when I could be getting these tasks checked off. 

  1. I scroll through Pinterest. Ever since I deleted TikTok, Pinterest has been the new app I scroll through for hours. I try to be as nonchalant as possible without having Tiktok keep me updated on the current trends or what my friends are doing. I can get ideas for my Notion, new designs for my room, and ways to write my notes. Pinterest is for inspiration, but I do not get inspired to get work done. At this point, Tiktok and Pinterest are the same apps: One has photos, and one has short videos. I am still mindlessly scrolling because it is easier to do instead of completing that lab due tomorrow. 

  1. I binge-watch shows I find on Netflix. Binge-watching things are one of the biggest reasons why I procrastinate, and it is insuperable. I pick out shows that have many seasons and get sucked into each episode. I always say one more episode, and then I will get to work. This saying ends up being a lie. Binge-watching something is a never-ending cycle. Once I finish a show, I go on a mission to find a T.V. show similar to that one. This action is the reason I complete assignments that are not my best work.

  1. I get easy tasks done. Cleaning my desk, finish health classwork, and filling up my water bottle are easy tasks that are petty. I reward myself for doing easy tasks, even if they require little time or effort. Getting to watch more episodes of One Day at a Time was a munificent reward I gave myself after finishing a worksheet for Geometry. I always end up rewarding myself for too long, leaving me with little to no time to complete that blog post for English, European history reading, or Spanish unit project days in advance.

  1. I play Papa’s Wingeria. Over the summer, I downloaded this game because it does not work on the CoolMathGames website since it is antiquated. I find the game whimsical because you can unlock new kitchen appliances, restaurant decor, characters, and food. You can advance in rank then your wage increases. I am ranked 47 and have 74,777 points. I have to get my homework down because it is due in two days, but I still open my phone and tap on the mobile game. I end up having to do a homework assignment or study the day before that class. Sometimes my bad habit of pushing things off to the last minute leaves my grade with a bad outcome, making me disappointed.

  1. I sit at my desk doing nothing. I look at my parents and siblings as they walk by, stare at my Chromebook screen, and look at all the work I need to complete. My brain is processing all that I have to get done for school. One time, I ended up doing this for hours while trying to finish a piece for English last year. An idea came to me, and I started writing everything out on a Google Doc. Once I turned it in, I thought that was my best piece of writing because everything just made sense and flowed out of my mind. This summer, I went back to see what I wrote, and it blew my mind how I thought that paper was good. Doing nothing has its benefits, but time passes, and I end up having to get that assignment last minute. 

  1. I rearrange my bedroom. I claim to be bored with the way my room is, but in reality, I reorganize it to keep myself from finishing schoolwork. I have run out of new ideas for my room, so there are times when I reuse old ideas from months ago. It can take hours to do this because I take everything out of my room and vacuum the floor to have a clean slate. I find new areas to place my bed, nightstand, and dresser. Sometimes, I even color-code my closet when things get out of place. I am exhausted after rearranging and cleaning, so those homework assignments get pushed to the next day.

  1. I watch Youtube videos. I was on Youtube home and came across a video titled college decision reactions 2020. Whenever I watch college acceptance videos on Youtube, I get joy, excitement, and nervousness. In the first video I watched, the student was ebullient as she opened the decisions. Many of the students I watch are audacious because they applied to most of the Ivy League schools. These types of videos are entertaining, and it distracts me from the work I am not interested in at that moment. College decision reaction videos are about students who are finished with their high school journey and are moving on to bigger things. Watching these videos motivates me because they show me that working hard can get you where you want to be. Even though I get inspired from watching them, they still make me postpone assignments until before the deadline.


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