Picture Prompts Vignette


A New Flower

Everyone was developing and growing into a new person, which was a good and bad thing.  Bella sure was. She allowed her mind to grow before the school year started. On the first day of high school, Bella noticed that her friends had changed. The uniformity of their first day of school looks was no surprise to her. She was aware that things could not be the same as they were in the past.  Her friends, Brooke and Molly, have started to blossom, and they have started to take a new approach to things. Broke was the tall one of the group who used to wear glasses- she now wears contacts. Molly was almost as tall as Brooke, and she recently got her braces off. Bella looked the same as she did last year, but her mindset and how she thought had changed: she developed an eclectic taste in new things and started to be intrepid because she had the time to. She did not have to pretend to like things that her friends liked. Over the summer, Brooke and Bella decided to leave Bella out of the friend group, and she started to notice because neither of them called her to make plans. At first, this started to hurt Bella. Her mother even started to notice how much she was down. Bella stopped feeling sorry for herself and began focusing on herself, which was a beneficial move. Bella, Brooke, and Molly ended up being in the same homeroom. Bella went up to them and said, “I know that you guys were icing me out of the group during the summer.” She was surprised that she had done that.

Bella was not paying attention to the morning announcements until she heard that freshmen could form their own clubs if they did not like the ones offered by the school. After homeroom was over, the school day went by fast. By the end of the day, Bella became an opportunist when she found out that freshmen could start clubs at school. She had something to offer to kids who were feeling this way. Her club was established the next day, and she had a pretty big club member crowd.  The group of students coalesced into one, so they could have the look of a club. Bella introduced herself to everyone and gave each club member a flower. She told them what it represented, and most were in awe at that moment. Brooke and Molly tried to join Bella’s club. Bella told them no because of what they did. Brooke and Molly started to be captious, pointing out the flaws of the club. Other than their appearance, the club meeting went well. She was on her way home when Principal Jones called her into her office. She got in trouble for excluding the friends that excluded her from their friend group. Principal Jones told Bella that Brooke and Molly were trying to get the club removed from the school.  Bella found out sooner or later about their plan and knew that this was payback from them. She and Principal Jones had a long talk about everything. 

It was already the last day of the first week of school. Principal  Jones decided to host an assembly for the new freshman class of Glendale High School, where she would talk about the school year and how things were going to go. The auditorium was saturated with freshmen, which was more than expected. The students in the crowd were extolled as bright young students by Principal Jones. Bella was already aware of the assembly and asked Principle Jones, during their brief meeting, if she could say a few words that had been on her mind for some time. She wanted to do this to make people aware of her beliefs and what she was going through. No one had expected this, especially not her supposed friends. Jones called her up to the podium. Bella made allusions in her speech because Principal Jones insisted she does so. The brevity of her speech allowed everyone in the auditorium to easily follow along with what she was saying. The assembly ended, and her peers felt many emotions from her speech. Brooke and Molly adulated her after she was done talking at the podium; they tried to reunite with her, but she kindly declined their offer. Bella had made a new group of friends from her club that she knew would never exclude her from their group. Changing into a new person can be good or bad, but you will not know until you make the change you have always wanted to make.


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