Picture Prompts Vignette
A New Flower Everyone was developing and growing into a new person, which was a good and bad thing. Bella sure was. She allowed her mind to grow before the school year started. On the first day of high school, Bella noticed that her friends had changed. The uniformity of their first day of school looks was no surprise to her. She was aware that things could not be the same as they were in the past. Her friends, Brooke and Molly, have started to blossom, and they have started to take a new approach to things. Broke was the tall one of the group who used to wear glasses- she now wears contacts. Molly was almost as tall as Brooke, and she recently got her braces off. Bella looked the same as she did last year, but her mindset and how she thought had changed: she developed an eclectic taste in new things and started to be intrepid because she had the time to. She did not have to pretend to like things that her friends liked. Over the summer, Brooke and Bella decided to...