NYT 1000 Writing Prompts: 106

 106. Have You Fallen Into ‘Friends’ or Any Other Older Television Shows? I have recently become interested in some older television shows because of reboots of older shows such as The Proud Family and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  I watched a couple of episodes of the old Proud Family when they aired one night on Disney when I was younger. I enjoyed watching episodes from the show because there was a lot of representation. Disney+ has all of the old Disney shows that used to be on back then, so I decided to binge-watch both seasons of the Proud Family and give the reboot of this show a try; I enjoy watching both of them. I have not tried the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reboot on Peacock. While looking at the reviews of this show, I saw that people who wrote them eulogized the writers of this show. Their work was pretty rhetorical because their responses were long detailed opinions. I am giving the old version a try because I have heard that some of the episodes have interesting plot lines. After giving the show a try, it became clear that the main character's swagger had gotten him into trouble. Both shows have been great; however, I am not even close to finishing them.

306. Should Schools Teach You How to Be Happy? I do not think schools should teach students how to be happy. Students would become less happy as they take this class about happiness. There could be a chance that this class could assign lots of homework, projects, and tests/ quizzes. Those are the types of things that make students less happy about school and more stressed out. The student taking a class about happiness may not be fond of the teacher teaching them, guaranteeing them unhappiness. I am usually happy about school when there is not too much work or if the teacher gives lengthier deadlines and updates about when there will be a quiz or test; I am sure that this brings happiness to other students too. Instead of teaching a class on happiness, teachers should try making their students happy. 

406. Is Student Debt Worth It? I think student debt is worth it. There are numerous scholarships available that will award you money based on the piece of writing, art, or other work that you submitted.  These scholarships come in handy as they help pay for the college you attend, creating less student debt. College is an investment, and it could be the stepping stone to a career where you could end up pursuing a career that offers a good salary that will allow you to pay off your student debt. I am willing to attend the college of my dreams, even if that means I have some debt to pay off. When you go to college, you will develop into the person you have always wanted to be. I am confident that if I have any student debt, I will be able to pay it off.

506. What Places Do You Remember Fondly From Childhood? I remember this one park in Schenectady and the book nook at Altamont Elementary School (AES). When I lived in Schenectady, my family and I would always visit this one park near the MiSci Museum orange train. My siblings and I played on the playground for hours. I would occasionally fall off the swing; eating a sandwich at a picnic with my family always helped to mitigate the problem. I always enjoyed going to the park; it was where I could let all of my energy out. I was a daily student of the book nook at AES for the first couple of months of my 1st-grade year when I arrived there. My raconteur of teacher there became my favorite after meeting her a couple of times. This place had a wooden section of dozens of books, book posters, wipe boards, and tables. I am fond of this place because I built up my reading confidence. It also allowed me to grow in an area that I struggled in without dreading it. 

606. How Good Are You at Time Management? My time management has been getting better. At the beginning of the year, most of my blogs had something to do with my time management skills and how they were not as good as I wanted them to be. I was pretty pretentious about that topic because most of my ideas stem from this topic easily. Lately, I have been staying on top of deadlines and turning in assignments to teachers days in advance. I am sedentary at my desk for hours now. I do get a sense of lassitude now and then, but I push myself through it. Waiting last minute is no longer an option for me. Even with blogs, I have been starting them early, so I will not have much to do the day before it is due. I decided to take a new approach to this quarter because I have a lot of extracurriculars that happen during these months. I want to have more than enough time to participate in these activities. Google Keep and Calendar have been my friend lately. I find that both of them are useful in helping me manage my time better. I plan on taking this same approach into quarter four.  

706. Is Single-Sex Education Still Useful? Single-sex education is still useful because it can break down gender stereotypes. Advocates for single-sex education say that girls are free of the pressure to compete with boys in male-dominated subjects such as math and science (Stanberry). I would not mind attending a single-sex education school because of this reason. At a single-sex school, girls will not have to worry about the ratio of girls to boys in their STEM classes. They would feel confident about themselves, and some might start to have an interest in STEM. In my science and math classes, I do lack in the class participation area of the class because, at times, I feel less confident in myself. I have been getting out of my comfort zone lately because I realized that I have strong abilities in these subjects, just like I have, in my humanities classes. 

806. Should People Give Money to Panhandlers? People should give money to panhandlers because you never know what they are going through or what circumstances have led them to be a panhandler. I do not understand how people can drive by panhandlers, who give them unwavering stares and do not offer them something. I have heard that some panhandlers prefer money over food—people like this may be fortunate enough not to have to panhandle, so they are probably just trying to con people out of their money. When panhandlers do this, it makes others not want to give anything to them. I do not have criteria for giving or not giving money to people asking for it on the streets. When I can drive, I will offer something to panhandlers because it is something that all people should do. 

906. Do You Prefer Your Tacos ‘Authentic’ or ‘Appropriated’? I prefer my tacos appropriated; I am used to having them this way. I have never tried an authentic taco, but I would love to try one because there is a chance that it will be better than the appropriated ones that I am used to. My family tends to have tacos on Tuesday or Thursday. My mom makes the basic taco with corn taco shell, ground chicken or beef, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, and cheese. My father tries to spice things up a little by incorporating unique ingredients and basic ingredients. I enjoy all the tacos that my parents make, and they always turn out well because there is nothing you can mess up while making an appropriated taco. 

1,006. Will Your Family Members Disagree With Each Other About Politics This Thanksgiving? My family will have no disagreements this Thanksgiving because we are usually on the same page when it comes to politics. When were are at the dinner table during this holiday, we discuss topics that are not as heavy as politics- instead, we discuss light topics like Black Friday. All of my family members kept up the election in 2020. Everyone was talking about it, and there were a lot of political events going on that year leading up to the elections. Every time I would go on Instagram, there would be reposts about updates in polls or reminders to go out and vote if you were of age.  My family and extended family had no disagreements about who was elected president once the results were announced. Other families may fight about politics on Turkey Day, but my family sure does not. 

1,106. What Are Your Thoughts on Cats? I think cats are great pets to have. They keep some lonely people company and are great first pets. I do not have any pets, but if I got the chance to choose a pet, it would be a cat because they infuse your life with unconditional love and compassion. There are times when cats can be friendly and unfriendly. Most of the time they are friendly. I have played with a cat before at the house of my friend. At her house, we made the catch go on a hunt to find cat toys that we hid. Watching the cats search around the house for these items was entertaining, and it took up most of our time at the playdate. The cats ended up vaporizing the house, leaving everything out of space. Despite this, cats, in general, are great companions. In the future, I see myself bonding with one.

Works Cited 

Stanberry, Kristin. “Single-Sex Education: The Pros and Cons.” Parenting, 11 June 2018, www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/single-sex-education-the-pros-and-cons.


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