Superpower: The Power to Read People's Minds
Hearing Inside
Our contemporary society is always thinking
I always see people looking at me
then I start to overthink.
These looks sometimes seem mean,
Or do not mean anything.
I can be ambivalent about these things- it is hard going based on looks.
Suddenly, I got this funny feeling in my gut.
Through my ears, I could hear these voices,
Getting louder and louder.
No one else could hear them except me.
Just by looking at anyone, I knew what they were thinking.
And I could feel myself changing.
The hardy people were quiescent on the outside.
And I was sensing what was going on in each mind.
I could only assume that this one person was a narcissist.
A guy seemed mean and like a misanthrope, as he thought poor about humankind.
There were some arid minds.
This mental power allowed me to hear some palatable thoughts.
Mentally I was listening to people overthinking,
A ponderous person worried about how they looked.
Others worried about what people think about them,
Just like I was before having this power.
I figured out that everyone is egotistical.
I know their thoughts now.
It was time for me to stop overthinking.
There is no need to question what people think of me.
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