Ten Ways I Made an Impact


  1. I have made an impact on my September eBookBuddy partner, Jacob. I signed back up for the fall semester of the eBookBuddy organization because I enjoyed my time volunteering with this organization during the summer. I had no idea I would be paired with the student I had that past summer. After the second first meeting together, I knew that he was part of the program again because there is a dearth in the number of books available to him at home. The last time we were paired his initial reading level didn’t change as much, so together, we were on a mission to change this. He was challenged with the books this time, and by the time he took the reading assessment for the last meeting, he achieved a reading level high above his initial one from the first meeting we’ve ever had. This had a big impact on him as he was shocked, excited, and glad when this happened, which were all rational emotions to have because of this accomplishment. 

  1. I have made an impact on a new student here at GHS. When I first met them at a BSU meeting, they told me that they considered themself nomadic and never went to the same school often. I couldn’t imagine myself going through this. The first month of school hadn’t passed yet, so it was still the beginning of the year. I told them about the events/opportunities that go on here at GHS, and they seemed to have an interest in a bunch of them. I introduced them to the student voice that I was part of as there was still time to join. Doing this allowed them to get what they had to say out to the school to make a change for the better. It also gave them the opportunity to meet more students at the school and make more friendships. They feel more comfortable at this school.

  1. I have made an impact on my mom. There are times when I consider my siblings lazy (I don’t consider myself to be). I help my mom around the house more than they do as I complete more chores. I do this because of the turbulence she faces from the bad weather during the harsh winter. It can be tough to get through that weather, so what better way than to help her out around the house more so she won’t feel as overwhelmed as she does while driving. She likes when I do this because it takes off the big plate she already has. Today, I have continued to do this and don’t plan on stopping. 

  1. I have made an impact on my dad. I help him come up with new recipes to try for dinner. It can be hard to come up with something new to make for the family, so he appreciates the help I give him with the recipes. The pantry and cabinets are capacious, so there are many places to store ingredients there, helping us create food. We come up with unique and different recipes that the family hasn’t tried, some of which they really enjoy eating, and some they do not really enjoy eating. He enjoys cooking, and I do as well. These cooking memories we have together will always be in his mind. Doing this also helps him feel less overstressed because this role is not just put on him; we are together as a team. 

  1. I have made an impact on my lab partner in science. My lab partner and I have been paired together since the first week of school because we got to choose who we worked with due to our small class size. I am glad that we got the chance to do this because if we had not probably wouldn’t have worked with this person as much. We do the experiment part of the lab together and then do the conclusion questions alone. There are times when my partner does not know how to approach the question, so I guide them on what to do to answer it (without giving away the answer). Doing this is helping her knowledge with the new information provided grow. We also study together for the tests/lab quizzes that come our way in the class. We always wonder why the knowledge we receive from the labs can be so evanescent. I have really helped them overcome test stress, complete labs/classwork due, and study for the class, helping their grade in the class. 

  1. I have made an impact on the eBookBuddy organization. I have been a part of this organization since last summer. I joined it because of the convenience of being held virtually as the pandemic was going on, so I couldn’t do in-person activities like volunteering because I am a very didactic person. I was given the opportunity to be paired with a student who would read throughout our meetings, improving overall from the comfort of my own home. My first buddy, as I mentioned, was Jacob. At first, there were some connection issues, but then things started to run smoothly. It would be impudent of me to leave him hanging after one session. I intimated to him my intention to help him grow as a reader. After a couple of meetings, I could see that he was improving and becoming more confident in himself as a reader. During the first meeting, I thought he was a shy, unspoken person who wasn’t as confident in his reading skills. This quickly changed after our time together, which will be extremely useful to him now and in the future. This organization has been impacted by me because of the long-lasting effects I have had on Jacob and other students I’ve been paired with. 

  1. I have made an impact on some of my track peers. I have been part of the high school track team since seventh grade. I have grown as a person and runner since then. Now that I am a sophomore, I am one of the older ones on the team. I push the young track members who are part of sprinting to complete the workouts even when they don’t want to finish them. I am pushing them as an athlete, which will come in handy when they are competing in an official track and field race. I used to be one of them, so I know how hard it can be. I had someone there for me, so I do not mind doing the same thing. Doing this makes an athlete feel encouraged and confident in themselves and have a positive effect on their mental health and how they approach the sport. 

  1. I have made an impact on my sister. My sister and I used to do youth track together when we were younger. I was the one who had more of a passion for it then. I never thought that she would be a part of the track team at middle school. I went to two of her track meets and noticed how much running she was having on the track: She is a sprinter and high jumper. At her second home meet, I was watching her do high jump. I could tell that she wasn’t doing as well as she wanted, so I gave her some advice. A cacophony of bows, booms, and loud cheers shut out my words of wisdom. My sister has improved as a track and field athlete, and she now hopes to continue participating in it. 

  1. I have made an impact on a P.E. classmate. P.E class can be daunting to some, but it has never been this way for me. I have always enjoyed going to this class. At the beginning of the school year, I noticed that there were some students in my class who did not really want to participate in class, which would hurt their grades. I was too shy to go up to one of these students at first, but then a friendship started to develop with one of them. Since then, we have been participating in this class together, which was good for us. When you have someone to partake in different activities with it will not be as daunting to complete. 

  1. I have made an impact on Guilderland High School. I am part of many extracurricular activities that this school has to offer, most of which make an impact on the school. One activity I am part of is the student voice committee which is part of the larger anti-racism committee. Throughout this school year, we have been planning the second annual Anti-Hate rally. This rally was created to connect our school community; to do this. there will be speeches, presentations, and unifying activities. This year, I am giving a speech as part of the presentation for the Black Student Union. I hope that this year’s rally goes as well as the rally that happened last spring. 


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